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This started as a review of Bloodpheasant’s latest LP, but I lost everything so it’ll become two separate posts.  I’ll start with The Elephant Graveyard…

1982186_617193725032402_92599391_nOne of the best parts of playing in a DIY band is playing at non-conventional “venues” and submerging yourself in said culture surrounding the places. The Elephant Graveyard stands in a “dead zone” on acres of farmland in Chester, NY. You wouldn’t know it just by looking at it, but the barn houses some of the most high-energy, diverse and positive shows I’ve been to in years- the kind of shows that remind me of why I started playing music and reaffirm my involvement in it when things go sour. The kind of shows where the focus truly lays on the music and the message.

Jay and Drew of Common Folk book everything from stripped down folk-punk to in your face hardcore and they always lend a hand to help touring bands.  They aren’t the only ones making things happen there, though.  Colin Jay of Entropy often has a hand in booking and Jay’s parents are so supportive they actually cook vegan friendly meals for the bands and proceed to stay to watch the show.  It’s a true privilege to have met this group of people who first welcomed me back when I was playing with Melissa (aka Francie Moon) and who continue to support projects I’ve done since.  I’ve met a lot of great people and have been exposed to some music that will stick with me for a while because of this place.  I just want to leave this here as a “thank you.”  “All good things come to and end” or at least need a break sometimes, I guess.  I’m hoping with The Elephant Graveyard it’s the latter and they come back strong and continue contributing to the scene they helped build.  Come to the  bon voyage show this Saturday at 7pm with Control, Tesla’s Revenge, Common Folk, and Entropy.  Wear a costume.  Listen to each band below.


We started 2014 with no resolution(s), but we did release the digital component of  the debut EP from North Jersey’s, The Lies.  This will be the first of many limited-run DIY releases of 2014, from us.  Mike Belveduto of Earth Stood Still, Control and Atlas stepped on board to help with art for these physical releases.  Keep checking back for updates on that.  We have two in the works already!   HERE’S MIKEY:here's mikeyCheck out that debut EP from The Lies right here:

You can download it for free for pick up a physical copy at their first show on 1/15/13 at the Stanhope House.  As of now, only 20 exist.  Joining them will be Hides a Well, The Lungs, Nude Dudes & Books.  We teamed up with Kevin Oakley to get that show together.

Click READ THE REST OF THIS ENTRY, for some brief background info and a bio about The Lies.

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Earth Stood Still Officialy Active Again!

Mike, Michelle and the gang are back! To celebrate the indie/punk rock quartet posted their debut EP and their full length on their bandcamp page.  This will be the first time this particular lineup played together since 2008 after 2 East coast tours and recording “Conveyance.”  Rest assured, however, that this is not a reunion.  The band never officially broke up.  Stream their EP, “Now to be Heard by All,” below.   M & M haven’t fallen off the music circuit completely in the time since Earth Stood Still stopped playing.  They have since formed and are currently active in the post hardcore band Atlas and released two EPS and a full length with another post hardcore band called Control.  On top of that, they’ve also rumored new material with Earth Stood Still and promised to play some shows.  I can’t help but to be super excited for this!

NotRock Sampler Vol. III Details Revealed

NotRock Records recently announced some crucial details about their next comp on their SITE.  Note: we have nothing to do with this and are not trying to take credit.  NotRock Records arranged the whole thing and put a lot of effort into it’s production.  We’re just really stoked on it and wanted to post about it here to show our appreciation.  Also, some Bedside Manner affiliated bands will appear on it (Gypsy Wig, Melissa & Paul, Young American Artists).  We’re really happy to be part of this! What they are doing is inspirational and with the best of intentions.  Here’s a snippet of what they have to say about it:

  “The purpose of this compilation is to share and expose people to a lot of the great music that our friends are out there making right now. It’s free because not only do we want to share it with you but we would like YOU to share it with others as well. These artists are making fantastic music and the world deserves to hear it. Please help us share it with them. Speaking of the fine artists featured on this compilation, it’s time they were revealed to you.”  How awesome is that!  Read the full story HERE.  Or readmore for some highlights and details. Read the rest of this entry

Velvet Suit Interviews- Lectric Pulp

You wanted it.  You asked for it.  You got it! Here’s the DL on the Lectric Pulp/Stanhope House breakup from the perspective of Joe Dimeck of Lectric Pulp.  Even though this is a written interview, I assure you at least 1 velvet suit was worn during interrogation.

Some say you helped re-build a sense of a North Jersey/Sussex Scene. What’s your take on that? What is the difference between the scene now than six months ago, as you see it?

Well, I certainly appreciate the folks who feel that way. It’s one of those heart warming/soul caressing kind of feelings if people actually think that. However, I’m just one person. Yea I may have booked a bunch of shows, but if people didn’t come out and support those shows there wouldn’t be any community at all. When it comes to building a music scene it really takes a collective effort. I just handled a lot of organizational things, but I think a lot of credit is spread out across the bands and the fans.

As for where the scene is 6 months ago. I don’t know, it seems like there’s more going on, which is cool. Whether I played a role in that I don’t know. It’s not like The Stanhope House was the only place hosting shows. Honestly, I’m kind of looking forward to being able to explore all the other places that I couldn’t go to because I was working a show. I keep hearing Pearly Baker’s Ale House in Easton is really cool. I mean, I like beer and music, and I hear they got a lot of both. Nevertheless, in the meantime, I got to get a job haha. It’s not like I was making much at The Stanhope House, but I was making something. Back to living on credit I guess :/

Click readmore to find out why Lectric Pulp will cease booking at the venue and what shows were Joe’s favorite…

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Control Announces Full-Stream of Their Debut Self-Released Full Length

Tomorrow at 12:34 pm you can stream Control‘s debut full length, “Obsolete Through Automation,” on their bandcamp page HERE.  The band started tracking for the 11 track album late last year and wrapped up mixing/mastering this past weekend.  A date for the physical release has not been set yet.  Fans of Rival Schools, Brand New, and maybe even Quicksand or Fugazi may dig this!  You can check out Control this weekend at Arlene’s Grocery in NYC or next Friday as the second to last Folly reunion show where you can still purchase tickets HERE.  To join in on all the event fun on facebook click THIS.

The end is near… (tickets still avaiable for April 8th~!)

You can still get tickets to FOLLY & FRIENDS par 1 with Jaguar Shark, Man vs. Wild and Control.

Young American Artists- Full Set @ the Meatlocker

So ya missed the YAA show at the Meatlocker last weekend?  Well lucky for you, it’s the modern age and you know what that means…you play/go to a show and it’s online that night so you can relive it all again!  We’re almost a week late on this one.  Sorry about that.  Enjoy it to the best of your ability!  Despite what the video suggests, this show was a lot of fun and all of the bands were awesome.

Local Music Februrary: Dead Ringer

A mere 3 months passed since Dead Ringer’s 3 song demo hit the internet to nothing but positive reviews.  With a west coast tour already in their past and a 20+ day east coast/mid-west stint (w/ Melissa and Paul) in the works for August, Dead Ringer’s momentum continues in full force.  With Dead Ringer, Kristia and Carlos depart a bit from their previous band’s (Exit She Calls) sound, offering a more straight forward/undeniably catchy brew of pop-punk and upbeat circle-pit anthems.  Their line-up solidified recently with the addition of drummer, Luis Luna who heard their tracks on punknews and immediately showed an interest.  He joins the Dead Ringer family with a rather impressive music resume.  Click readmore for the 100% FREE download and more info.

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If You’re Going to Reunite…

Do it  hard and for the right reasons…The announcement of the Folly reunion shows was met with much enthusiasm, however it seems as if some people still aren’t getting it.  Perhaps the recent statement that Arben issued will put things into perspective.  I could go on about how Folly had a profound influence on me and where I am with music today and how they were an inspiration with their music and as people, but I won’t bore you with that and it should be pretty clear anyway haha.  In the end, I was ecstatic to be part of their last shows in 2008 and even more amped/honored/enthused/stoked/thrilled/any other adjective that would suggest excitement to be part of the last two reunion shows as openers.   To all the haters.  Well… “Y’all just hataz!”  Click readmore for the statement and a list of shows.   Or click HERE for a direct link. -Paul

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